AGM update, and banquet tickets

Just a quick reminder about Banquet tickets, any Amendments, Intent to run forms, and Vicky Parry Award nominations. Banquet tickets sales close March 26th at our Open Tournament. If you need to make other arrangements to get tickets, please do so by contacting Tammy Lonsbary (treasurer) to purchase before. Amendments, Intent to run forms (found on the website) or reach out Jean Simpson (secretary) to get a form from her, and Vicky Parry Award nominations will all close April 9th to prepare for the AGM on April 23rd. Resume for Treasurer will be accepted by May 1st, please hand in, or email to our secretary. You will not be able to put in Intent to run forms, or hand in Amendments at the AGM. Thankyou! If you have any further questions on ANY of this, please reach out to an executive member.