The Executive are elected by the members at our Annual General Meeting held every spring,
and all positions are held for a 2 year term. The board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Statistician, and 3 Directors. All members elected must be in good standing
with the league during her term on the board. You must have served for 2 years on the board
before being eligible to run for President.

If you would like to contact someone on the executive please use the appropriate email of who you would like to reach for your questions or concerns.

President (Stacy Carnochan)

The role of the President, Is to preside at all meetings of the league, and to perform all of her duties incidental to her office. Stacy has  been in the L.L.D.L. for 19 years, and prior to that, played in the London Youth League for 5 years. assisted in it for 8 years, and is their current leader. She also held the position of Vice President for 2 years in the L.L.D.L, and is on her 3rd term as president.

Secretary (Jean Simpson)

The role of the secretary is to be responsible for all meeting minutes, and keep all books accurate and up to date. She is responsible for registering new and current members at the beginning of the season, and she will also receive and respond to any complaints from league members. Jean has been a member of the L.L.D.L for 16 years, and brings over 30 years of recording secretary experience.

Treasurer (Tammy Lonsbary)

The role of the Treasurer is to hold all funds, keep accurate and up to date records and banking information for the league. She must be bondable. She is to have all records up to date for monthly executive meetings, and also for the yearly Annual General Meeting. Tammy has been a long standing member of the L.L.D.L and has held many executive positions, including terms as President. 

Statistician/Web (Nancy McCrae)

The role of Statistician is to have all schedules ready at the beginning of each season, record all games in a program provided by the league, and keep the website accurate and up to date. She is to make sure the standings are accurate, and posted on the website weekly, so it is to be available to all members if their are any discrepancies. Nancy has been a L.L.D.L. member for 13 years, and is in her 3rd term as Statistician.

Vice President (Tina Johnson)


The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President or in the case or her inability to act, perform all duties pertaining to the office of the President. In the case of a vacancy in the Office of President, she shall preside until the League elects a new President. She also shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board. She will plan and co-ordinate the year end banquet, and prepare all year end awards.Tina has been in the L.L.D.L for 4 years. This is Tina’s 2nd term as Vice President. She is excited to start a new season, and continue to learn in her role. She also ran as 3rd Director in 2022-23. She is looking forward to expanding her knowledge as Vice President on the executive, and seeing it grow!

The responsibility of the 1st Director is to be responsible to run Premier and 1st division tournaments throughout the season.  She will be the seargent of arms at general meetings, and all special meetings throughout the season. She will help the 1st vice with banquet arrangements, and help out with any other duties that are deemed necessary by the president.

2nd Director (Alicia Sheffield)

The responsibility of the 2nd Director is to run second and 3rd division tournaments throughout the season. She will also be responsible to come up with ideas for fundraising for the league draws for all tournaments and purchase that is needed (ie baskets and raffles). She will fulfill sergeant of arms duties if the 1st director is not present. She may also be assigned other duties that are deemed necessary by the president. Alicia has been in the league for 5 years. She is nervous, but very eager and excited to be a part of the Executive, and begin her new role. She is looking forward to helping out in any way she can.

3rd Director ( Ellen Sitzes)

The responsibility of the 3rd Director is to assist the Vice President with banquet duties, and to run 4th division tournaments. To purchase gifts for tournaments, banquet, and assist other executives when needed, She will assist in raising money for the league. This is Ellen’s 2nd term on the Executive. She has been playing in the ladies league for 4 years. Ellen is eager to help out on the executive any way she can. She is excited to see where this year takes her, and is ready for her new adventure.